Monday, February 27, 2012

More Money for the Rich?

In a past debate, Mitt Romney whips out a $10,000 bet to Rick Perry in 0.3 seconds like it was chump change. To him, it is. His two oldest sons have 100 million dollar trust funds under a tax shelter. He and his wife "mis-placed" a 3 million dollar Swiss acct. like most of us forget where we put our car keys. Not only does he not care about the poor, he doesn't even know they exist. He needs to see that the rich aren’t going to spend more if you give them yet another tax break.  What we are looking for is a leader that will bring us some change and lessen the social disparity gap that has increased. We are looking for a fairer tax system.

After everything that this nation has been through to fight for equality and fairness amongst all, it would make sense to have politicians that believe in the same things that the majority of us believe in. A fairer tax system so that everyone can contribute their fair share to the nation. Where and when will those millions of dollars circulate? Those millions of dollars is the amount that gets taxed is the amount a hard-working person earns annually. A tax system that works for everyone and accounts for the hard work is something that we should look for. We shouldn’t have to settle and pick the better option available. A fairer tax system for all is what we wish for, point blank.

Our voices are powerful!
Let us speak our minds!
We must unite together!

More Oil Isn't the Right Answer

With a changing climate, sensitive global economy, and wars in the Middle East, our need to look for renewable energy is ever increasing. Oil is not the renewable resource that we have been waiting for. In fact, oil is finite leaving us limited and dependent of others.

            A renewable resource is a natural resource with the ability to replace itself in time. Oil has long been seen as limiting because of the finite amount of oil that has been measured that we are left with. With current technology, we can further exploit our lands and discover new reserves. But this does not really mean that it is renewable. With such a high global population, it cannot replenish itself at a similar speed as it’s used up. If we invest in green technology and using renewable resources such as solar and wind power, we could fund a greater nation. A politician saying that oil is a renewable resource will damage our country. We need to look for energy independence so that we do not need to rely on other countries.

We need to look for other alternatives.
We need energy independence.
We need to look for a better future!