Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Party Platform to Rise?

              “Democratic Convention Chair and LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is the latest in a growing list of Democrats to endorse marriage equality in the 2012 Democratic platform.”

                Marriage Equality should be talked about every once in a while in the political race. Although support for same-sex marriage isn’t always entirely fixated onto one group in itself. Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa believes that the Democratic national platform should be extended to have a “marriage equality plank.” Certainly the idea seems to be far-fetched when the nation seems to be focused on other pressing items on the agenda, but the concept of equality should be true.
                All Americans should be equal, without looking at their sexual orientation. Until someone of international figure understands and backs the marriage equality platform, it will be awhile until some real change on a large scale can take place. This indeed is something that should be taken on the ballots to. We all should be able be with whom we love regardless of which sex they are. 

We need to strive for equality!
We need change!

Future Shows More Job Losses

                “Republican presidential candidates are as cognizant as anyone about the massive number of government employees being laid off by federal, state, and local governments. Their solution? More budget cuts and more public sector layoffs.”

                Our future for the economy will seem increasingly bleak, with all these budget cuts and employee lay-offs, it will is already hard to find a job.  A solution being brought forth  by the GOP candidates? “More budget cuts and more public sector layoffs.” A country with an economy like ours needs jobs to have money circulating the nation to further stimulate the economy. If no one has money at hand, how will things get better if they can’t spend? President Obama seems to making progress and keeping jobs at a steady pace since he took office.
                We want to keep our jobs and pay our bills. Why would the solution to the economic crisis leave us to lose more jobs in the public sector? The public sector is what needs the most improvements. We need someone that can do this for us. The GOP candidates seem to be unable to provide this to us.
We are looking for a future with the ability to get a job.

We need to be hopeful!
We want change!
We need to vote!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Favoring of the Rich

“A CNN poll found that regardless of age, race, sex, or party affiliation, all Americans agreed that Mitt Romney ‘favors the rich’ over the middle class or poor.” See the breakdown of the state polls.

Mitt Romney seems to have an appeal to the wealthy class, as he loses the interest of those of the poor. The simple notion that he can win states just through the wealthy is shocking. “Romney dominated among the wealthy, capturing 46 percent of those making more than $100, 000 and a whopping 55 percent of those making more than $200,000. He lost among the middle –class voters, by 11 percent among those making $50,000-$100,000 and 6 percent for people earning $30,000-$50,000.”
                The wealthy control the money that flows in the country, by grabbing the interest of them it will be easier to be voted upon. This is what seems to be the logic behind this study. Our country was founded on the idea that everyone has a voice and a right to vote. We need someone that will capture the interests of all and be fair. A policy that favors the rich will get us nowhere.

We need to take a stand!
Tell the politicians what we want!
Use the voices we were given!

N.Y. Republican Lawmaker Now Supports Obama

A New York Republican, Assemblyman Teresa Sayward , supports Obama after all the recent debates about women and women’s health

Women in our country have fought to have their share of the rights that men had. Time has gone a long way and things of course have gotten better, but things still need to change. Women and their health are important to our country. They do contribute a lot. 66 million women in America are workers and contribute to the economy. They are hardworking people as well.
                A Republican that sees a problem with the party that she supports, because of their stance on women’s health, shows us the importance of voting in the elections. We need to understand what we are getting ourselves into. How can we vote for a party that won’t even support our women? Our belief in a party simply will not be able to be enough to cut it, especially in a country as frail as ours with our economic issues.

We need to understand!
We need to vote!