Sunday, March 11, 2012

Future Shows More Job Losses

                “Republican presidential candidates are as cognizant as anyone about the massive number of government employees being laid off by federal, state, and local governments. Their solution? More budget cuts and more public sector layoffs.”

                Our future for the economy will seem increasingly bleak, with all these budget cuts and employee lay-offs, it will is already hard to find a job.  A solution being brought forth  by the GOP candidates? “More budget cuts and more public sector layoffs.” A country with an economy like ours needs jobs to have money circulating the nation to further stimulate the economy. If no one has money at hand, how will things get better if they can’t spend? President Obama seems to making progress and keeping jobs at a steady pace since he took office.
                We want to keep our jobs and pay our bills. Why would the solution to the economic crisis leave us to lose more jobs in the public sector? The public sector is what needs the most improvements. We need someone that can do this for us. The GOP candidates seem to be unable to provide this to us.
We are looking for a future with the ability to get a job.

We need to be hopeful!
We want change!
We need to vote!

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